I would like to note that I was vastly inspired by the process of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, an award winning, revolutionary animated film that I had fallen in love with a month or two before I began the process of this concept. This movie made me think about the use of frame rate, composition, and reach into my old roots of drawing. I would think about 3D animation and greenscreen performance before hand and would go on to add textures, grit, and rotoscoping to further enhance the uniqueness of these animation. I had a blast! I did this on my own, brought it up to my director who insisted I continue to develop it, then went on to present it to leads at FELD ENTERTAINMENT.
This is the presentation I set up to help explain what I'm doing, my approach, and process. Wanted to write out what I was thinking when creating these to help others understand all that was going into each animation. With this style I was planning to attract teenage audiences towards Monster Jam - the target audience Feld was wanting to focus on at the time.

This is generally how I made the hand drawn effects, simple yet effective. I would draw out what I liked then use an "onion-skin" to overlay my next frame so that I may properly place the same/similar elements in an action.